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You Can Win

         "You Can Win: A step by step tool                       for top achievers"

"When we eat too much, we make choice to be overweight. When we drink too much, we make a choice to have a headache the next day. If we drink and drive, we choose to risk being killed or killing someone in an accident. When we ill-treat people, we choose to be ill-treated in return. When we don’t care about other people, we choose not to be cared for by them. When we light up a cigarette, we choose to invite cancer. Choices have consequences. The most important thing to understand is that we are all free to the point of making choices. but, after we make a choice, the choice controls the chooser. We have no more choices. What is success? Series of positive choices is called success and series of negative choices is called failure. We have an equal opportunity to be unequal. The choice is ours. Life can be compared to a pottery maker who shapes clay in any form he wants. Similarly we can mould our lives into any shape we want."


Worth a lifetime of knowledge -- Catherine Lim Director, Lucent Technologies Pte. Ltd. Having been exposed to a number of training programs all over the world, I feel your program was one of the best. -- Michael Stier Director, Lufthansa German Airlines, South East Asia My productivity and effectiveness have gone up. I get more done in less time. -- Basem E.A. Al-Loughani The Embassy of Kuwait The best part for me was the examples and 'HOW TOs' provided by Shiv Khera to enable one to make change that we all desire either in our organisation or ourselves or both, but find it difficult to implement and sustain. -- Stephen L. Tierney Group Managing Director, Xerox Business India The gains are instant for those willing to self-audit and change. -- R.O. Olawale Coca Cola A construction manual with the blueprints to build a rewarding life. Economic Times Turn your promises into commitments. Sunday Observer A valuable gift to achieve success. National Herald

About the Author

Shiv Khera is the founder of Qualified Learning Systems Inc. USA. He is an educator, business consultant and successful entrepreneur and a much sought-after speaker. Shiv inspires and encourages people, making them realize their true potential, and has taken his dynamic personal messages to far ends of the globe; tens of thousands have benefited from his energetic workshops in over 17 countries; millions have heard him as a keynote speaker; and he has appeared on numerous radio and television shows. His 30 years of research and experience have helped people on the path of personal growth and fulfillment.
Shiv Khera is the author of 16 books including the international bestseller You Can Sell(click here to buy). He has been recognized by the Round Table Foundation and honoured by Rotary International and Lions International.
                         (click here to buy)


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