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Who Will Cry When You Die?

In yet another bestseller 'Who Will Cry When You Die?' Robin Sharma shares his experiences and inspirational wisdom about whether we are living life to its fullest or are merely existing, constantly haunted about fears of death and concerned whether there would be any pall bearers at our funeral or not.(Robin Sharma)
This self help and motivating book, in simple language draws out 101 ways by which we all could live a more carefree life and not sacrifice our today for a worried tomorrow.
The hundred plus solutions confront the reader with some of the most complex and dire situations they might face in life. They teach about how to handle stress with a smile, overcome the problems and lead a healthy lifestyle.(buy that book)
The book has separate sections on Start Your Day Well, Honour Your Past, Discover Your Calling and See Troubles as Blessings. Each section containing parables and amusing anecdotes, not just make 'Who Will Cry When You Die' a compelling read but impart great life lessons that are very inspirational.
They also make us realize about some of the simplest pleasures that we ignore in our stressful and busy lives. Most readers would be able easily relate to the book.
Written in simple, lucid language, some of the text does turn into quotations that a reader will remember for a long time. Sharma urges the reader, never to quit trying and look for fulfilment and a purpose in whatever one does.
From his earlier books and this present one, it is obvious that Robin Sharma has the talent to invigorate his readers with his superior diction. His books almost always contain inspiring quotes from famous celebrities from all over the world. The book is highly recommended for those who want to improve their interpersonal skills and lift their lifestyle.(click here to buy)
About the author:
Robin Sharma: Bestselling author of 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' is an International Leadership Professional Guru who is credited with having written 15 books on leadership. He has been guiding people to live a better life, by drawing inspiration from his life experiences. The Leader Who Had No Title, The Greatness Guide and The Saint, The Leader Who Had No Title and The Saint are among his best books. He heads the Sharma Leadership International Inc, a firm that trains people in leadership. A former litigation lawyer, Robin holds a law Degree from Dalhousie Law School, Canada.


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