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The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do, and How to Change

It is an inspirational guide that presents information about human nature and its huge potential to transform. The book introduces the reader to several scientific discoveries, explaining neuroscience behind certain habits and how they can be changed. While it is easy for some people to change their habits according to new situations, there are other people as well as organizations that find it very difficult to change.(click here to buy)
But with changing times and needs, one must change, be it a person or an organization. The book enlightens the reader about importance of right habits for better living. Besides bringing positive power into mind and soul, good habits are also the reason behind success of various famous personalities.
The book even provides an insight into some of the world’s top companies and renowned personalities. For instance, the book tells about keystone habits of various individuals like Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, civil rights hero Martin Luther King Jr. and Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz. Even success stories of different organizations, like Procter & Gamble, Target superstores, Rick Warren's Saddleback Church, NFL locker rooms along with that of the nation's largest hospitals are highlighted in the book.(Buy The Power Of Habbit)
Through his book, the author Charles Duhigg wants to tell the world how changing certain habits can make a huge difference between success and failure, life and death. The readers shall be enlightened to find that few good habits can be the leading cause of betterment of community, businesses or individual growth.
About the Author:
Working with the New York Times, Charles Duhigg is a journalist and non-fiction author. Charles has authored two books on habits and productivity; both books have been received well in many parts of the world.

"Will power is not a skill but a muscle which needs consistent strengthening."


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