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The Mother I Never Knew: Two Novellas

Yet another book from the treasure trove of Sudha Murty, The Mother I Never Knew: Two Novellas is a poignant tale of two men, Venkatesh and Mukesh, as they set out on a journey to find out the mothers they never knew. Both men are happy and settled in their respective lives when they come across a shocking truth.(click here to buy)
When Venkatesh realises he has a half-brother from his father's extramarital liaison, his world changes. He finds his step-mother out and is pained to see the pitiful condition she is living in. He must make amends for what his father has done but the question that haunts him deep within is if it is really possible to undo everything. Mukesh is in a similar state of agony when he comes to know that he was adopted as a kid. Pushed by impulse, he decides to find his biological mother. But the farther he goes, the more unclear the picture becomes. He must decide towards whom his true love and loyalty lies: the woman whom he called his mother all his life and who raised him or the woman who has given him birth.
The two men are bound by the same dilemma and the same complexity of emotions. and it is important for them to find their way back to bring stability in their lives. The core interest of the book is in exploring if it is really possible to come to terms with a reality as blaring and as deceiving as that of Venkatesh and Mukesh.
The Mother I Never Knew: Two Novellas by Sudha Murty is available in paperback format and was released by Penguin Books Limited in 2014.(click here to buy)

About the Author

Considered to be one of the premier writers in India, Sudha Murty's books are known to capture those unknown, unspoken emotions that bind all of us. There is a certain maturity with which she writes. She knows her way into the human heart and accomplishes beautifully what she sets out to do: create a sketch of raw emotions as they are. Other books from her like How I Taught My Grandmother to Read, House of Cards and The Day I stopped Drinking Milk are equally popular.(Sudha Murty's Books)


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