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Start With Why

 "Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire         Everyone To Take Action"

     Simon Sinek
Each and every one of us in this world wants to become rich and successful. We aim to become successful in businesses, ventures, relationships and ultimately in life. However, to be frank, most of us fail to become one or are partially successful in whatever we start off with. The author of the book, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, feels that there is a reason behind it. Simon Sinek states the reason why some people are innovative, influential and more profitable than others is because they commenced their journey with 'why'.
In this book, Sinek quotes that some of the most successful and influential people in the world like Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King Jr. focused not on the results of their venture but on the question why. People who ask 'why' than 'how' or 'what' are those who touch lives with their works and inspire people over the years. They achieve remarkable things and carve a place for themselves in the world. By quoting some real life stories, the author gives clear ideas on what it takes to desire, inspire and lead.(click here to buy)
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action is for those who dream big and want to achieve their dreams. It is for those who do not compare themselves with others or complain on whatever comes in their life; but for those who are ready to face the challenges and emerge victorious against the odds and set an example. An inspiring book that will change the course of the way things work and how people perceived success. The book was published by Penguin UK in 2011 and is available in paperback.(click here to buy)
Key Features:
  • Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action is one of the most powerful books in the market.
  • Simple yet effective words help readers dream big and chase their dreams.
  • The book helps develop optimism and is highly recommended for entrepreneurs and businessmen.


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